Mystic and I Stadium

Mystic and I Stadium

Friday, February 13, 2015

Back to Showing We Go!

"All his life he's been told
He'll be nothing when he's old
All the kicks and all the blows
He won't ever let it show

'Cause he's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow

When you've been fighting for it all your life
You've been struggling to make things right
That's how a superhero learns to fly
(Every day, every hour
Turn the pain into power)"

-Superheroes by The Script 

Much has happened since I last blogged, so bear with me. 

Let's start with school shall we? I'm almost done with high school and about to make my decision on college. Should know at the end of the month but I have a pretty good idea. I can't believe I'm on the back half of senior year! It's crazy. I'm thinking about double majoring. In what kinda depends on where I go but it will be something in psychology and Theraputic horsemanship. 

Mystic is doing fantastic. She is now back into full work and is very happy about it. Well she's sorta upset right now because she hasn't been ridden much in the last month. She coliciked about a month ago and it was terrifying. Honestly thought I was going to lose my horse. And then it starting raining and the weather just kinda out a link in my ridding plans. And then of course she got another upper respiratory infection. Which is finally getting over, I think. She still has a bit of a runny nose, but she isn't coughing anymore. So hopefully soon! 

As for Mr. Prince, he's about to go off into training! I'm really excited that he is three now because I can't wait to see how he turns out. He should go into training by his actual third birthday in April. But I think it's time to refresh his training that I have done that way when he goes he's a good boy.

Now for the fun stuff. I have been riding Martin and Jenna's horse, Waren and I'm like really, really excited. He is so cool! And like really hard to ride, but I've finally figured him out! Our first show is next week. I'm a bit nervous but I think we are going to do pretty well. Waren is so much fun to ride. All his lateral work and flying changes are nice; you know, once I learned how to ride the upper level movements. It's hard sometimes when you get stuck in one place for so long because then you think you are never going to do things like half passes or when I was eventing, a one star. So it's a little nerve wracking but I'm there. We are doing a freestyle too, in the next month or so and it is choreographed and I have my music. It's a geeky freestyle and I can't wait to actually ride it. I'm have so much fun working out at Concordia. Show season should be awesome. And plus Jenna thinks we are ready which kinda makes it all the more awesome cause like you need your trainer to think you are ready. 

I know some of you were upset when I made the decision not to event right now, but I decided that Mystic's health was more important. I don't want her to be nine and a pasture ornament. 

I haven't been this excited about something in a while.  Like I'm literally bouncing in my chair in school. Cause you know, what do you do after an AP Calculus  test? Blog! Between college, Waren, Mystic (once she isn't sick anymore), AND Princey Pie, it should be a pretty exciting spring and summer. It was kinda of a slow winter, but things are picking up so there will be more blogs to come! Thanks for sticking with us! It means so much to me!  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

We Are Getting There...Slowly...

"You were there when it all came down on me
And I was blinded by my fear
And I struggled to believe
But in those unclear moments
You were the one keeping me strong
This is how my story's always gone"
Through All of It -Colton Dixon

So I know it's been forever since I've written. Seems to be common with me(softly chuckles). Needless to say, it's been since September since I've blogged so I feel like I have a lot to fill you guys in on. And I have three hours to kill in the Houston airport so I figured I'd blow off homework and write. 

Let's start with Mystic, shall we? 

My beautiful little super pony can now canter! Which is awesome. I've been trying I take it really slow with her to not risk re-injury, and I feel like I'm doing that pretty well. Between school, work, my extracurriculars, and my sad attempt at a social life, she's only getting ridden like 2-3 days a week. Which I mean, that's probably the reason we are still sound. So whatever. She picked a very good time to be going back to work because I can take my time with her. Or in stressed out senior terms, when I find time to breathe is when I can ride her. But that's another story. As for my plan with her, she's retired from eventing. I've thought about this long and hard over the last six months and I've decided that she's seven and I would prefer her to not be a pasture pony at nine. She's my best friend and I would like to continue to ride her. So I think Jenna and I are gonna plan a first level musical freestyle and maybe see if I can get her qualified for the US Dressage finals next year. Should be fun.

As for Concordia Dressage, I have had one hell of a fun fall working out there. I got to show one of their lesson horses, Abby, at the end of October and got my first and second level scores for my bronze medal! Now I just need my third level scores on their Pre St. George horse Waren. So I'm super excited for that because he is so much fun to ride. But a work out, lemme tell you. Always seem to come home sore. I've been picking up a lot more responsibility out there and have been riding more horses. I'm out there every Friday night and Saturday. That's my work and I couldn't be happier there. 

Now school. My goodness school. Is it over yet?? To any younger children reading this, stay in school yes, but do your senior year wisely. While four AP classes looks really good on a college application, it can be very stressful. Like really stressful. But that is the price you pay for a good education. I've applied to five colleges: St. Andrews, USCA, TCU, A&M, and UKy. I've already heard back from St. Andrews and I was accepted! It's in North Carolina and very high up on my list of schools. So we will we where that goes. 

Now you guys may be like why is she sitting in the Houston airport? Or you know, you couldn't be and just are continuing to read for whatever reason. But anyway, I was in Kentucky, believe it or not! At region 9 championships, Jenna qualified Gran Casso and Freedance for US Dressage finals so I was like hey you want a groom?! So that's where I was. And let me just say, they did awesome. Gran and Goofy Baby Pony are two absolutely phenomenal horses and I couldn't have been happier to take care of them for Jenna and Martin. But now, much to my dismay, I have to go back to high school and reality. But luckily it's almost over. I'm starting all the graduation stuff, and as much as I want out of Liberty Hill fast, it's a little terrifying. 

Regardless of Mystics slow progress, it's actually been a few good months dispite the kind of unhappy summer I had. I'll try to check in. I know I do this all the time but I want to thank all the people who have stuck with me when I needed them the most. I am truly blessed to have people that care about me as much as most of y'all do. Until next time, stay awesome and stay warm because it's getting cold! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

FINALLY Some Happiness!

"Things are lookin' up
Even when I'm down
Had about enough
Lookin' at the ground
I couldn't find a star in the sky
But now that I found us
Things are lookin' up"

Things Are Looking Up by R5

Guys, guys, guys, guys, GUYS!!!! 

Okay now that I gave your attention, MYSTIC CAN GO INTO REHAB IN TWO WEEKS!! 

Now that I've squealed like a little ten year old One Direction fan, let me explain. My beloved little pony went to the vet today, without me mind you, I was at school. So you know, naturally, I was a terrible student and was texting during class. Not like my teachers care though, lets be real, Im a senior, I can do what I want. Anyway, I got a message from my mommy during Psychology that had me jumping up and down in my chair during the video we were watching. My baby girl can begin to slowly come back in a couple of weeks. Now, honestly, I didn't think I'd be here now. Like too many things have gone wrong lately that I have lost all my optimism. But, shock wave therapy worked! Dr. Honas was very, very happy with how she has progressed since her last shock wave appointment. Now if there is any sign of her getting worse again once she begins to come back, obviously she has to go back in. But maybe I'll be a little more positive this time around. 

I'm going to be doing a dressage show with Concordia on one of their horses in October and I'm very excited. Like I'm counting down the days. I know I've said this a lot lately but they really have been my saving grace lately. I'll go out there, sweat off ten pounds mucking stalls and in return I get to ride ponies! A perfect day if you ask me. 

Did I mention I am VERY happy? Like I don't think I've been this good of a mood in a long time.

Senior year has been so much fun so far and I'm only three weeks in. I'm really happy I decided to go back to an actual school. I don't think I could have done home school much longer. I actually like have school spirit, its a little weird. My best friend, Kaitlyn, was like "my little girl is growing up!" It ended up in her getting slapped but I guess I'm coming out of my shell a bit. Like how I let her drag me to a club for teen night on my birthday. Never thought I'd say I did that but oh well. My friends have kept me grounded this summer too. Cant say I wouldn't have stayed sane if they didn't have me laughing every other minute. Like tonight. Our group texts are fantastic. 

Also good things are happening in the Princey Pie area so Im excited about that as well. I'm gonna wrap this one up for now, but you'll be hearing a lot more of me as things get better with the Pretty Princess Pony and as well as Little Prince. I will keep ya'll updated. THANK YOU so much for being all your awesome little selves and supporting me and trying to find me a horse. It really does mean a lot to me. Keep Mystic in your prayers because things are looking up! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Changes, Changes, Changes

"Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

Told you I'd let them go,

And that I'll fight my corner,

Maybe tonight I'll call ya,

After my blood turns into alcohol,

No, I just wanna hold ya."
- Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran 
I just need to start off by saying THANK YOU to everyone who offered me horses after my last blog. It means a lot to me. I am blessed to have amazing people looking out for me. 

Mystic had her second shock wave session last tuesday. I went in thinking it would be quick, and we'd be on our way, but thats not what happened. We spent three and a half hours there because Dr. Honas wanted to double check himself. When he blocked her bad fetlock, she was still lame but not as bad. So he started blocking up. What did he find? Once he blocked her high suspensory, she was completely sound. Suspensory is a word an eventer never wants to hear. So yeah. She got shock waved on both her fetlock and her suspensory. Her next appointment is next week so we'll see if anything changes. Honestly, though, at this point, we are looking at a year or more off, and she probably wont jump prelim again. 

Thats one thing I've been thinking about; eventing. I don't have a horse thats ready to show right now in it anyway. I talked last week about my ambition to ride on an equestrian team. I met with the TCU coach when I took a horse to Mike's. I have things to work on because my style of riding is a little different, but I think I can do it. Working hard to fix things isn't a problem with me. So I think I'm going to spend a lot of time in the hunter/jumper ring this year as well as maybe do a dressage show or two if I have a horse. 

I almost bought a new horse. His names Victor. He's fantastic and I absolutely love him, but unfortunately it didn't work out for a sale. Luckily his owner is allowing me to continue to ride him until I find something else, so thanks Paula. That means so much to me. 

I start school next week. Can I start hyperventilating yet? 'Cause I'm gonna be a senior and thats utterly terrifying. My little brothers going to be a freshmen so thats the first time we are going to be at the same school. It's like all of sudden it everything with graduating and college is hitting me. Lettermen's, class rings, graduation pictures, college apps, transcripts, hard classes. Its funny really. Senior year is supposed to be the easiest, ha, not for me. I'm in two AP classes, two dual credit college classes and more. Its going to be a long year, but I'm looking forward to it. 

Anyway, in all the craziness that seems to be my life right now, its nice to have school starting so I can focus on something again and I'm happy to be going back to an actual school. I didn't like home school. Thank you again to everyone for looking out for me again and having my back. I'll keep you updated on Mystic. She goes back next week! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Going Crazy!

"If today's the day I die
Lay me down under the lights
Let me fall in love
Let me save a life

And let me lose my voice
Singing all my favorite songs
Let me stare up at the stars
'Cause it's where we all belong"

Living Louder by The Cab

So I know its been forever since I've written, but to be honest there hasn't been much to write. Last time I blogged it was after Chatt Hills when Mystic and I had our accident. It turns out, in our accident, Mystic got hurt, and I haven't consecutively ridden since. Its been driving me crazy. I've spent the last two months trying to figure out what is wrong with my horse and today I finally got a solid answer. If you go back and look in the picture I posted with my last blog, you will see that her hind left boot fell down when she tripped. Since then she has been lame on that foot. When I first took her to the vet we started with a week of stall rest and my doctor drained the fluid out of the fetlock. After a week I got back on her and she was still lame. Then she got a month off and I went on vacation with my aunt and cousin. When I got back and tried again she was still lame. At this point, it had been like six weeks since I had ridden more than once every couple of weeks. We finally just got her back to the vet and she hadn't improved much. One lameness level is all our vet said. She has a tear in her deep digital flexor tendon. We decided to start shock wave therapy. She got her first one today and will go back two more times over the next month. All we can hope is that it works and she can to back to full work. Hopefully, but honestly, we don't know.

Meanwhile, I'm going absolutely bonkers. The last time I didn't ride for like two months was when I had my concussion my freshmen year and was bed ridden most of my time off. For Area V camp, when I was a counselor, I was eternally grateful to Jenna and Martin who allowed me to take one of their five year olds, Bacarro, to see if he had a knack for jumping. That was fun. He's a cool little horse.    Then I went on vacation and that was great. I love my job and my ponies, but lets face it, I'm a workaholic and needed a break. 

Martin had to travel to Albuquerque for a show with one of the younger Concordia Dressage students last week, so I went out to their place to help Jenna hold down the fort. It was the first time I had ridden since camp and I came home a hell of a lot happier. It was so good to be back riding and I wasn't just riding one horse but fluctuated from like 3 to 5 a day. I cannot express how grateful I am to Martin and Jenna for letting me come out again and help her ride horses. I had been in a really weird mood since like the third week into Mystic's stall rest. Not to sound like a corny, dramatic teenager, because I'm not, but when I found out Mystic was hurt, I literally had no idea what to do with my life. Some people don't get it, but some do. To some people, horses are just a stupid hobby that I'll grow out of by the time I hit college, but it's not. This is my life, and the one horse that I could ride was down. I didn't have another one. This is a time where I really wish Prince was three. I feel unproductive when I'm not out at the barn, and feel like people are going to judge me for being out there as long as I usually am. I would try to find little things to do out there to keep me out with the horses longer. Lets just say my barn is REALLY clean. I don't like sitting down so you know when I go through 8 books in two weeks that there is probably something wrong. I read fast, yeah, but usually I'm working most the day and will open my book at night. 

Within these two months, I began working on college because well I'm me; a crazy, nerd who loves school. Also with not riding, I realized I wanted to be on a collegiate equestrian team. So I've began to start that process. I began to pin point what I wanted to major in as well. I always knew I wanted to help people through riding as it's always helped me, but I wasn't sure which part I wanted to work with. So I decided on Psychology. I've always like knowing how people think and work and how the different mental challenges form. Also maybe a double major or minor in physical or occupational therapy for the physical side? I'm not sure yet, but I want to do equine assisted therapy. I know if I didn't have my horses, my personality would be a little different and I would probably struggle a little bit more on the physical side of things with my eye. I finally sucked it up and got my permit, so as I'm learning to drive, I'm starting to realize it probably would be hard had I not had my riding. Now, I know people along the way are going to be like, you wont make any money. And it's just like first of all, I've done my research and I can, plus I want to teach people how to ride whether they have a challenge or not, and second of all, who bloody cares? Isn't helping people enough? I like it. Simple as that. But needless to say, I've found solace in starting college stuff. Fingers crossed someone wants me on their riding team. 

On a brighter, awesome note, I was asked to be on the July cover of Horseback Magazine and be their cover story. That was super cool even though I was a blubbering idiot in the interview because I was so nervous. I'll post a link to the online magazine at the end and I'm sure if you go into a feed store you'll find it there because I've been told it sells in like 55 countries. (Insert where Gaby goes and hides in a corner.) And it's not like I'm not grateful for it because I am and I like telling my story. I want people to know I'm not any different than any other rider. Well I am kinda different, but you know what I mean. My love and motives are the same. I do horses because I love it and being blind in one eye doesn't and shouldn't make me any more different that the average rider. I'm just, for lack of a better word, special and have to work a little harder and I'm okay with that. But, yeah, Gaby in the spot light is a cowering Gaby so this was a little different for me. 

So obviously, with Mystic being down, our August plans are off the table as well is AECs as we qualified for Prelim Horse, but to be honest, most of our fall season is out. So I'm putting a help me I'm going crazy call out. Anyone got a pony?? No seriously. If someone needs me to ride a horse, I'm looking something I can lease and or train so if anyone knows of something please let me know! I would be forever grateful. :) I'm gonna wrap this one up, but I'll make sure to keep everyone updated on Mystic's progress. Thanks for everyones support, you guys have no idea how much it means to me. Until next time guys! 

Horseback Magazine

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mind Your Melon!

"Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
Am I wrong for saying that I choose another way?
I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
Just cause everybody doing what they all do
If one thing I know, I'll fall but I'll grow
I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home"

-Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz

So there is this hash-tag trending in the equestrian world and its #mindyourmelon. Thanks Jimmie and Dom Schramm for this awesome war declaration. It makes me furious when people are like "Nah, I'm not gonna where a helmet because (enter whatever idiotic reason)." Like come on guys, lets be smart. I know that most my current generation are losing braincells by the minute and wouldn't understand the consequences, but the thought being comatose or dying is an utterly petrifying thought. I'll put the link into Evention's video on not wearing a helmet at the end of this blog.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Though the reason I was on it was because Chatt Hills didn't really go as planned. 

Dressage and Stadium were great. My test was better than my one at Greenwood which was good. We got the same score, but Heather and I felt it was better. Stadium was great; we had a double clear round and one of the fastest times of the night. 

Cross country was going pretty well until 12ab. This was the hardest combination on the course. It was a skinny on top of a small mound then three or four strides to a left handed corner. We had tripped going over the skinny and just couldn't get to the corner. Similar issue that happened at Greenwood. We'll fix it thought, I'm determined. The water however is where we crashed and burned, literally. 

It was an abc combination with a down bank being a, an up bank being b and a house two strides away being c. We had gotten down the down bank into the water and were approaching the up bank when we got to the base to take off and tripped going up the bank. We were both falling to the ground when Mystic managed to keep herself from falling and trampling me. She then proceeded to step over me. I was afraid she was going to take off because she had never heard my air vest deploy, but she didn't. People started running toward me and yelling at me to stay on the ground because they thought the noise that my vest made when it deployed was my skull and helmet making contact with the ground. I had to tell them "she's spooky, get me out from underneath her, but if she spooks she'll step on me." Which would have sucked because she had huge studs in. People came up to me the rest of the day and continually told me it looked like she was protecting me. I have a picture that Laura Szeremi, a friend of mine who was at the show, took. I'll post it at the end. 

Being in between your horses front legs is a terrifying experience. I wouldn't recommend it. I'm fine so is Mystic, I promise. We are both a little sore. I have a nice case of whiplash. I just gotta say, I love my pony. Will Faudree said once: "There's an old saying in the horse world: if you got a good mare, you'll never have anything better. I totally agree with that." Mares, especially Arabian mares, have to find that one person that they trust to be able to be an amazing horse. I am that person for Mystic.

Injuries could have been a lot worse if I hadn't of had protective gear on. Wear your helmet even if your trail riding. 

Its break time for us. We will come back and try again in August with traveling to Santa Fe for a prelim and Colorado for the CCI after New Mexico. I get that it's gonna take me longer. It's cool, I don't mind. I wont be doing Texas Rose because I have to take the SAT. Kinda gotta start prepping for college. I'll continue to update as the summer goes on after Mystic and I take a bit of a vacation. I'll be at Area V Young Rider Camp in June as a counselor. We'll continue to go up to Mike's and may very well go spend some time with Christine, the girl who broke Mystic. It should be a fun summer :)

Until next time guys!

Evention Video 

This is why I love my pony. #protectionatitsbest

Friday, May 9, 2014

First One Star Down!

"You and I
We don't wanna be like them
We can make it till the end
Nothing can come between
You and I
Not even the Gods above can
Separate the two of us
No nothing can come between
You and I"

-You and I by One Direction

Ew cheesiness! I'm not a big fan of mushy, gushy romantic stuff (okay, maybe a little bit), but I do have to say that song has a fitting ring to my weekend. Sorry, I try to make ya'll laugh at least once or twice in these thing. Stephens are notorious for their dry humor.

Okay! So, uh, Greenwood happened and I finished. 

It was a pretty good weekend, well for the most part. 

Dressage was awesome. I was so happy, and we put in one of our best test. Which in my opinion, at a one star, is a pretty good place to do that. Unfortunately, I was on first after the test ride. So naturally, my score was gonna be somewhat good, but somewhat bad. I got a sixty. Which isn't terrible for my first one star, but there was a 9.5 point difference between judges. But whatever, what the judges think the judges think. Its not a big deal. I came out and both Mike and Heather were smiling so I felt we did like at least a little bit good. 

Cross country was amazing EXCEPT for the minor miscommunication between mommy and pony to where Mystic didn't see a skinny that came after a giant log going down a hill until like ya know a good three feet until the base. Sorry baby. So we had what I call a drive by. Not a greeny beeny stop or a dirty stop, but more like a OH HEY! LOOK! THERES A JUMP THERE! my fault.... it's been six days since Saturday and I'm still beating myself up. But she was so great everywhere else! GAH! Rider errors suck...

And stadium, well stadium was amazing as well to where I walked out and Mike was like "Makes yesterday suck worse huh?" Uh yeah... just a little bit Mike. And its not like he was   disappointed in me or my horse; he was just upset it happened. He told me he didn't know if we were actually going to be able to do this and that I proved him wrong. He also told me that I had progressed so much since we started in Florida in January, but like grrrrr! 

Ya know, I come off and people are like how was she? I'm starting to get tired of telling people my horse was great and my score not showing it. I feel like its making me a liar. 

But needless to say it was a good weekend minus the run out. What this does mean is that we get to wait one more year for young riders. I don't want to push my horse to qualify, but its just kinda disappointing. We are still going to Chatt Hills for experience but then we are going to take a break until August and hit up Santa Fe HT and Colorado CCI*. 

I always have my nose in a book, and so before dressage I was reading The Shadowhunter's Codex which is like a companion novel, guide thing to a series I'm like royally obsessed with. So I was reading of my tack trunk, book in my lab, my beats on listen to a classical playlist I have before I ride dressage, and I come across a quote I will most likely live by for the rest of my life. It was: "Do not shrink from battle. Have faith, seek courage." Now yes, this is from a world where if you are afraid of the battles with demons you will most likely die, but just stop and think about what we do. We (or at least most of you reading this) are eventers. We jump over solid objects running 25-45 MPH on a living breathing thing that could KILL us. I mean, if we do shrink from the battle we fight everyday in our riding, the hobby and career we have set ourselves up in would end. I'm not sure why this quote stuck with me, but it did. Maybe it is because I'm tired of things not really going the way I want to, and it reminds me that things happen for a reason and one day I will make the team and everything will be okay. But don't get me wrong; I love Mystic and I love what we do, and I choose to bring up a young horse on my own. If waiting is the price I have to pay I'll do it, but I am a teenager and I do have insecurities. 

Okay there was my nerdy self doubt moment. You probably wont see one for like another two years. Well the self doubt thing. I'll forever be a nerd ;)  

Anyway guys, I appreciate you all for being supportive of Mystic and I and being there from the start. My video of the weekend is up so I'll add a link to that. I do have a question though: Do you guys want me to continue this blog and keep sharing my experiences? If so let me know in the little comment thingy on the blog or comment on the Facebook link. I will post after Chatt. We leave this Wednesday and Mystic has been awesome up here at Mike's :)

Here is the video link! (And where my run out was, I promise I did go back over it, but RNS didn't put it in the video)